How To Find Hosting Server Of A Website WordPress

Finding the hosting server of a website can be a tricky task, especially if you’re not familiar with the technical side of web development. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can take to determine the hosting server of any website, including WordPress sites. In this article, we’ll discuss how to find the hosting server of a WordPress website, as well as some tips for making the process easier.

What Is A Hosting Server?

Before we dive into the specifics of finding the hosting server of a WordPress website, let’s quickly go over what a hosting server is. A hosting server is a computer that stores all the files and data associated with a website. When someone visits your website, they’re actually connecting to the hosting server, which then sends the requested information to their web browser.

Why Do You Need To Know The Hosting Server Of A Website?

There are a few reasons why you might need to know the hosting server of a website. For example, if you’re trying to troubleshoot a problem with your website, knowing the hosting server can help you narrow down the issue. Additionally, if you’re trying to transfer your website to a new hosting provider, you’ll need to know the hosting server of your current website.

How To Find The Hosting Server Of A WordPress Website

Now that you know why you might need to know the hosting server of a website, let’s discuss how to find it. Here are a few methods you can use to determine the hosting server of a WordPress website:

Use A Whois Lookup Tool

One of the easiest ways to find the hosting server of a WordPress website is to use a whois lookup tool. A whois lookup tool will provide you with information about the domain name of the website, including the name of the hosting server. To use a whois lookup tool, simply enter the domain name of the website into the search bar and click “search.”

Check The Website’s Source Code

Another way to find the hosting server of a WordPress website is to check the website’s source code. To do this, simply right-click anywhere on the website and select “view source.” This will open the website’s source code in a new window. Once you’ve opened the source code, look for a line of code that contains the name of the hosting server.

Contact The Website Owner

If you’re still unable to find the hosting server of a WordPress website, your best bet is to contact the website owner. Most website owners will be more than happy to provide you with the name of their hosting server.

Tips For Finding The Hosting Server Of A WordPress Website

Now that you know how to find the hosting server of a WordPress website, let’s discuss a few tips that will make the process easier.

Use A Reliable Whois Lookup Tool

When using a whois lookup tool to find the hosting server of a WordPress website, it’s important to use a reliable tool. There are many free whois lookup tools available online, but some of them are not as accurate as others. To ensure you get the most accurate results, it’s best to use a paid whois lookup tool.

Check Multiple Sources

When trying to find the hosting server of a WordPress website, it’s a good idea to check multiple sources. For example, if you’re using a whois lookup tool, it’s a good idea to also check the website’s source code and contact the website owner. This will help ensure you get the most accurate information.

Use A Website Monitoring Tool

Finally, if you’re having trouble finding the hosting server of a WordPress website, you can try using a website monitoring tool. A website monitoring tool will provide you with detailed information about the website, including the name of the hosting server.


Finding the hosting server of a WordPress website can be a tricky task, but it doesn’t have to be. By following the tips outlined in this article, you’ll be able to easily find the hosting server of any WordPress website. Good luck!